Client story: How Cellesce explain medical marvels easily with animation
Naomi Linford Jan 21, 2022 10:19:13 AM
We know drug trials are an incredibly important part of ensuring new medicines are safe. But what if we could more accurately predict patient responses to drugs, before they're even trialled on humans?
That's the question one pioneering biotech company are answering with the development of brand new technologies. The trouble is, communicating these medical revolutions to stakeholders isn't always easy. Which is why Cellesce turned to Sparkol Studio to help explain the power of their technology in ways everyone can understand - with animation.
Read on to learn how we brought Cellesce's research to life and see their finished animation in action 👇

Can you tell us a little about yourself and Cellesce?
I'm William Allbrook, a founder and Marketing Manager of Cellesce, a biotech company based in Cardiff and focused on the development of new technologies featuring organoids which promise an exciting future in medical and pharmaceutical research.
What challenges does video help you overcome?
Getting across exactly what it is that Cellesce does has always been a problem both
to investors, existing shareholders and those in the industry. We wanted to wrap it up
in a simple animation/video that was straightforward and easy to understand.
As Marketing Manager I discussed various options with my team such as video,
photo-realistic animation and whiteboard animation. We decided that we wanted it to
be very high level, so it was accessible by pretty much anyone, so we went down the
route of whiteboard animation. We deemed scribe type whiteboard animation to be the most efficient way of getting our message across.
What elements were you mindful of to ensure the video would be accessible for a
wide audience?
We knew that we ourselves had struggled to fine-tune our strategic direction moving forward but once it became clear we documented it in a flyer. This on its own was not
enough. We wanted to bring it to life so we spent some time working with Sparkol on
the script. Check out the original flyer below 👇
This proved to be worthwhile as it refined our thinking somewhat. We chose a nice voice-over sample and this has turned out well. Once we had the script we worked with the animator on the storyboard. Some of what we wanted to explain and show is not straightforward but we got there in the end.
We turned this flyer into an easy to understand and enjoyable to watch 4 minute animation!
How and where have your videos been used?
We've started to share the video with customers and prospects, put it on the front page of our website and shared it on LinkedIn and Twitter. We hope to re-use elements in shorter animations and as part of future ones too.
What response have you had to your video?
So far the response from two highly experienced Non-Executive Directors on our Board has been very positive!
What made you choose Sparkol Studio as your video partner?
Personally I'd previously used Sparkol's VideoScribe animation tool for another client and when I was looking for a video company to work with I approached Sparkol who seemed a) to know what they were doing and b) easy to work with.
How did you find working with the Sparkol team?
Our team of four were all Senior Management, including our CEO and COO which
meant we had the correct buy in from the start but most of us did not have any
experience of doing this sort of thing. Sparkol led us through the process and kept us
on track. They were always friendly and accommodating.
Big thank you to William and the team at Cellesce for sharing your story with us - we loved working on this project and helping you shout about these incredible innovations!
If like Cellesce you've got a story to tell or a message to share and you're not sure how to bring it to life, we're here to help. Drop us a message to discuss your ideas 👇